Addressing Invitations

Welcome to the last post in our invitations series! We’ve already been over the timeline on when to send out save-the-dates and invitations so now it’s time to talk a bit about invitations and etiquette when it comes to addressing them.

Lined Goods. Instagram: @linedgoods

Lined Goods. Instagram: @linedgoods

There are so many ways to address wedding invitations and it all depends on how traditional or formal you’d like to be. You can use just the first and last names or you could use Mr. and Mrs. - just depending on your style. The other complicated part of addressing invitation is knowing how to address to widows, non-married couples and guests with titles (such as Dr.). 

When it comes to all of the different ways an invtation can be addressed, we found this article on Wedding Paper Divas to be especially helpful. There is also a form on the bottom that you can fill out and it will help you generate exactly what the invitation should read. 

We hope you have found this series to be helpful when it comes to invitations!